Robert Allen Challenge
Robert G. Allen Institute
My simple, yet proven strategies for generating multiple streams of unlimited income work, even from home - now let me take you by the hand and prove it!..." Home business Success
"On live TV I promised the world I would make $24,000 in 24 hours, and... I failed - instead I 'cracked the code' and made $94,532.44 in 24 hours."
I want you to look over my shoulder, so to speak and watch how work it... In fact, even get into my mind as I prepare to issue you the #1 home based challenge of a lifetime.
Robert G. Allen
"Time and time again, I'm referred to as 'America's #1 Millionaire Maker'… that means one thing: I take ordinary people out of their own homes (some of them right out of the unemployment line and some right out of Regis Philbin's studio audience) and show them exactly what to do to create multiple streams of "major" income - and then they do it!"
"And with the release of my new book, 'Multiple Streams of Income' I'm on the prowl again - looking for a small, select group of home business minded people who want my help in creating instant wealth like I have for countless others! If you qualify, there's only one small, reasonable catch:
"I will use your new cash flow success story in my upcoming promotions. So if you can live with that 'catch' - then you must stop everything you're doing and read the rest of this letter right now…"
(Important: You must respond to this invitation within the next 60 minutes. Due to the time-sensitive nature of this opportunity, we must release your reserved slot to someone else if you do not respond within the allotted time.)
Invitation Clock Count-Down
You Must R.S.V.P. Within Minutes
Dear Friend Seeking Financial Independence and Personal Freedom,
Hi. My name’s Robert Allen. I'm the author of two of the best selling financial books in history; both #1 New York Times best sellers:
“Nothing Down”
“Creating Wealth”
My books have sold over 2.5 million copies, over 150,000 people have attended my wealth from home seminars, and I've accepted challenges by the press and have proven time and again that my money making strategies work.
In fact, recently I was challenged again on national TV. It was in front of a live audience. I was challenged to take someone from Regis Philbin’s studio audience and teach them my wealth building strategies – and guess what?
Just 90 days after following my systems,
Pat Watson was $20,000 wealthier!
Listen, you've heard all the “get rich now” claims … and you're sick of seeing them! The fact is most of those people who “claim” to know how you can make money – haven't made much money themselves… let alone taught others how to do it!
The difference between “them” and me is that I've proven my strategies time and time again in the national limelight – and my systems truly work… in fact, I've been dubbed “America's #1 Millionaire Maker”.
Right now, America and I need you for my upcoming Nationwide Home Opportunity Tour to share your story of upcoming success and wealth to those who need hope - all across America.
Let me tell you about a few of my "Home Money Challenges"... This is where I put my money where my mouth is:
I was also challenged by the Los Angeles Times:
You might remember when the Los Angeles Times challenged me to buy real estate with Nothing Down. With a reporter by my side, $100 for living expenses, and armed only with my knowledge; I purchased 7 properties worth $772,000, all in 57 hours.
I told the Mayor of St Louis Missouri (the “Show Me” state):
“Send me to any unemployment line.Let me select someone who is broke, out of work, discouraged. Let me teach him in two day’s time the secrets of wealth, and in 90 days he'll be back on his feet, with $5,000 cash in the bank, never to set foot in an employment line again.”
I selected a young couple from the unemployment lines of St. Louis, Missouri. Ninety days later they earned $5,000 using one of my techniques, and....
Within 12 months they had earned over $100K!
My proudest moments are when I coach “starving millionaires” (people who should be millionaires – but aren't) on wealth building strategies – and see them achieve extraordinary results, again and again!
I've done these same challenges in other major cities- Washington, D.C., Miami, Boston, San Diego, and New York - all with similar results!
This brings me to my next challenge in which I took all of the hype out of the high-powered profit potential of the Internet, and decided to make it a reality for my students. I said:
“Sit Me At Any Key Board Of Any Computer In The World With Internet Access, And I Will In 24 Hours, Earn At Least $24,000 CASH!”
I got myself into the “life or death” mindset – and I went to work…
I started my internet challenge at exactly at 12:38 PM in front of live television, I held my breath, and turned my system on and signed on to the internet…
In 6 hours and 11 minutes I had generated $46,684.95
Then I went to sleep... and when I woke up the next morning and checked the computer - (with camera’s rolling):
The total was now $78,827.44
This was exciting because I knew I still had four hours left! That afternoon, 24 hours after the challenge had begun...
The Total Had Grown To…$94,532.44
In A Mere 24 Hours!
Why do I tell you all of this?
Well – it’s certainly not to brag… but it’s to prove that I practice what I teach! And since I'm ready to announce my next challenge, I thought you'd like to hear my success story - and how I can help you regardless of where you are in your financial life.
So here’s my newest challenge:
“Send me a group of people who want to become financially independent. Let me teach them my proven, wealth building strategies. And in 90 days, they will have developed multiple streams of income.Eventually these streams of residual income may give them the freedom to do what ever they want for the rest of their lives.”
That’s my newest challenge – and I want you to be a part of it.
You have everything it takes to break the mold of an average home income earner – but you just need to decide to do it!
Listen, I know the reason you're still reading this letter is because you believe there still is hope – there’s still a chance… a glimmer of hope that you CAN be a millionaire.
It’s hard to leave your comfort zone. But you can do it – and I will help you. But first, let me tell you about a few people who've had the courage to follow their instinct, break out of their comfort zones, and follow my advice:
"Robert, my life was never the same again"…
“Here's the incredible news: Only one year after using your strategies, (coincidentally our twelfth wedding anniversary,) we became millionaires, yes, a million dollars in equity! WOW!”
“Depending on what time frame you measure from, that's either 'incredibly fast' or 'miraculously fast'! Six months from picking up your book, four-plus months from becoming protégés, two months and nine days after quitting my job!”
“That takes my breath away!... This letter stands as testimony to your accomplishments... Robert, Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
-- Karen Nelson Bell, Nevada
"In the last 2 months we have made nearly $250,000 using the Robert Allen internet techniques."
--Olie Vainberg & Andrei Kossyrine, Ontario
“’Just do what you love and the money will follow'… In Fields of Dreams: 'Just build it, and they will come'… Wish me luck the rest of the way. Haven't I told you what the sale price of this building was? It was $57,000! I'm really excited and am on my way finally! Thank you for all your encouragement."
-- Eugene Wei, California
"In my first-ever deal I'm acquiring a $5.7 million 91 unit apartment building for $4.25 million using none of my own money."
--Greg Warr, New York
(Remember: I will always be up front and honest with you. The amount of success you may have will depend upon important key variables... These experiences are not typical. You may not be as successful as these testimonials shown.)
As your mentor, let me tell you about the first secret to building wealth: having “Multiple Streams of Income” flowing into your bank account.
Would it change your life completely – if, per chance, you were to lose your major source of income today… think about that!
What would you do if you lost your sole source of income!? I will teach you how to develop other streams of income, so you can protect yourself from ever having to deal with this imaginary scenario.
Here’s some of what you'll learn:
1. Creative Real Estate Investing: 76% of all millionaires started their fortunes in Real Estate. I've sold more real estate books than any other author of all time.
2. Information marketing: Have you ever had a million-dollar idea, but never acted on it? Learn to sell your ideas for royalties… the hottest millionaire-making trend.
3. Stock Investing: How do the wealthy take advantage of the amateur investors in the stock market? Learn to make consistent money regardless of what the stock market does.
4. Internet Home Base Enterprises: How I made $94,000 live on TV in 24 hours! What did I do that was different?
These are proven income-generating avenues that build wealth.Wealth comes from understanding the power of multiple streams of cash flow... on cruise control!
My Official Invitation to You
Right here – right now… I'm inviting you to experience my “member's only” training in my new “Multiple Streams of Income Downloadable Training Course”. In this brand new digital course, I'll be teaching you all of my proven, successful and profitable wealth secrets.
These strategies and techniques are proven to work for everyday people living at home in the United States, her territories, and Canada. International applicants are not being accepted at this time.
Here is just a sample of what you will learn in my new course about MULTIPLE STREAMS OF "Work From Home" INCOME:
Establishing Your Personal Wealth Building Foundation.
How to earn $100,000 to $250,000 a year for life.
How to retire early.
How to grow your own money tree.
Profiting from 5 massive trends that will create many millionaires in the next century.
Building a Small or NOT so small Fortune on the Internet:
Double your Internet income and work less hours.
Secret strategies for getting people to your website.
The easiest products to sell on the Internet.
How to sell products on the Internet without buying or shipping them.
How the Internet can pay for your retirement.
Developing Multiple Streams of Income:
How to start your very own multi-million dollar business from your kitchen table.
6 powerful businesses you can start for less than a thousand dollars.
Create a money making machine that runs 24 Hours a day, 365 Days a Year without an office or employees.
How to create streams of income that, once established, require little or none of your personal attention.
The seven essential secrets for finding the most powerful home-based business.
Real Estate Strategies That Work.
How to buy a house or condo, sell it for less than you paid and walk away with a cash profit.
How to buy millions of dollars of Real Estate with none of your own money.
How to buy a home paying no interest.
How to live in a million dollar mansion for the price of living in an ordinary house.
Developing Multiple Streams of Income from Home:
How to become a millionaire selling information.
Make a thousand dollars a day selling "How To" information.
How to get total strangers to practically line up and literally beg you to take their money for your information product.
How to make $20 a word every time you sit down to write.
The fastest way to turn an idea into cash.
If you believe you have what it takes to succeed with my guidance, I'm going to do something absolutely "unheard of." (Remember - I've accepted a public challenge, so I'm willing to do practically anything to help you succeed!)
With Your Permission, I'm Going To Send You An Enormous Package Of Training Materials:
Instant Download Home-Study Course:
The Road To Wealth
How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth
In this program I personally outline ALL of my secret money making strategies that my students and I are using to build massive amounts of wealth!
Build Your Real Estate Fortune:
The Robert Allen Money Power System
You get your own copy of this exclusive Real Estate course! Profit from the "perfect" investment. I've made millions doing this - Now you get the secrets of making RISK-FREE offers, finding "cash cows", and how to use "ultimate leverage"... Even includes copies of forms for you to use!
Special Report 1
"7 Strategies for Making a Fortune Online"
How to Get More Visitors to your Site Now
Learn the Secrets to Writing Great Emails
Become an Expert on Giving Your Website Visitors Instant Gratification.
Learn the Secrets of How the BIG WEB SITES Keep People Coming Back.
Special Report 2
"Nothing Down Real Estate Techniques"
50 NOTHING DOWN Techniques
How to Make the Banks Work for YOU
The Fundamentals of Leveraging Capital
How a Partners Money can Make YOU Money
Creative Financing Options that Work
Special Report 3
"Zero to $1,000,000 on $49 a Month"
The 3 Things You Must Do
What the Big Secret Is.
How to Use All of Your Power
The Fundamentals of Finance
Where Do I Get the Money to start
How to Make Your Plan and Then Work It
Special Report 4
"How to Make $24,000 in 24 Hrs. on the Internet from home"
EXACTLY how I made $94,532.44 in 24 hours
How to Develop a Target Audience
How to Find Out what Your Audience Wants to Buy
How to Motivate Your Target Audience to ACT NOW
Getting Started - Your Action Plan
How to Find the Hungriest Fish in the Lake
How to Discover the Kind of Bait Your Fish will Bite On.
This is a strictly limited offer (Remember - I've accepted a public challenge, so I'm willing to do practically anything to help you succeed!)
And if you order by February 6, 2005 , you'll also get another valuable audio series that will teach you how to create real lifelong streams of cash flow:
“Multiple Streams of Income” (a $35 value – yours free if you order before the deadline!)
In this audio I personally outline the secret money making strategies that my students and I are using to build massive amounts of wealth! Others have paid thousands for these strategies – now they're yours for the taking!
Here’s how to get going:
You get everything for a small one-time registration fee of just $3995. Simply click here and you'll be taken to my totally secure “Risk Free Request Form”.
Risk free?... that’s right - my whole proposition is entirely risk free - and you have absolutely nothing to lose. Take a look...
You Get My 365 Day, “Home Success Opportunity” or
I'll Double Your Money-Back Guarantee
Get and download my program. Read it and try it out… put my proven methods to the test. If you aren't thrilled with the results anytime within the next 365 days, you'll get DOUBLE your money back!
Try my simple, easy-wealth formulas and give it your best shot. Just give it a fair effort. And then, if you aren't satisfied with your results – I don't want your money… and I'll immediately give you $7990 (double your money) in exchange for the trust you showed in me.
REMEMBER - I need your success story for my upcoming promotional tour so I've a VERY strong interest in making sure that this program works for you! That’s why you're getting such a powerful guarantee.
All I ask is that you show me you tried my techniques as presented, and I'll give you double your money back. I can't be any fairer than that.
The worst that can happen is you'll come-out $3995 ahead of the game.
This course is your answer to prayer. It gives you more control of personal and financial freedom than ever before.
Consider this: If your life continues in the same direction it is now...
Will you honestly be where you really want to be one year from today?
Will you honestly be any closer to financial freedom?
Will you be manifesting your dreams?
If you don't like the answer you get… you must allow me to help you do something to change it.
For you to get different results in your life, you've got to do something different.
Sure, you can go ahead and punch the time clock, or keep putting in those 14-hour days at work. And you can hope and pray that “somehow” you'll get ahead.
But why put yourself through it all?
Why not invest in yourself – and learn how to create as many income streams as you desire? With this program in your hands you'll discover the real secrets to generating true wealth and personal freedom. Think about this:
$39.95 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you'd be missing-out on if you choose not to get this course. Looking at it that way…
If you don't take action now while it is fresh in your mind, then -
when will you?
Register now for your "Multiple Streams of Income Downloadable Home Study Course"
Don't put this off – you're worth it.
Soon you can live life on your terms – and I will help you every step of the way. The worst that can happen is you'll come out $3995 ahead of the game.
Click Here To Register Now
And Download Your Entire
Package Immediately
Robert G. Allen
P.S. “The Multiple Streams of Income Downloadable Home Study Course” gives you everything you need to create the life you've been putting off. Register right now by clicking here.
P.P.S. Remember, you must order by February 6, 2005 to get in on “The Multiple Streams of Income Audio Series” free bonus (worth $35). I kid you not – the information in this audio alone can turn your entire life around, and bring you all the wealth you could ever need.
My simple, yet proven strategies for generating multiple streams of unlimited income work, even from home - now let me take you by the hand and prove it!..." Home business Success
"On live TV I promised the world I would make $24,000 in 24 hours, and... I failed - instead I 'cracked the code' and made $94,532.44 in 24 hours."
I want you to look over my shoulder, so to speak and watch how work it... In fact, even get into my mind as I prepare to issue you the #1 home based challenge of a lifetime.
Robert G. Allen
"Time and time again, I'm referred to as 'America's #1 Millionaire Maker'… that means one thing: I take ordinary people out of their own homes (some of them right out of the unemployment line and some right out of Regis Philbin's studio audience) and show them exactly what to do to create multiple streams of "major" income - and then they do it!"
"And with the release of my new book, 'Multiple Streams of Income' I'm on the prowl again - looking for a small, select group of home business minded people who want my help in creating instant wealth like I have for countless others! If you qualify, there's only one small, reasonable catch:
"I will use your new cash flow success story in my upcoming promotions. So if you can live with that 'catch' - then you must stop everything you're doing and read the rest of this letter right now…"
(Important: You must respond to this invitation within the next 60 minutes. Due to the time-sensitive nature of this opportunity, we must release your reserved slot to someone else if you do not respond within the allotted time.)
Invitation Clock Count-Down
You Must R.S.V.P. Within Minutes
Dear Friend Seeking Financial Independence and Personal Freedom,
Hi. My name’s Robert Allen. I'm the author of two of the best selling financial books in history; both #1 New York Times best sellers:
“Nothing Down”
“Creating Wealth”
My books have sold over 2.5 million copies, over 150,000 people have attended my wealth from home seminars, and I've accepted challenges by the press and have proven time and again that my money making strategies work.
In fact, recently I was challenged again on national TV. It was in front of a live audience. I was challenged to take someone from Regis Philbin’s studio audience and teach them my wealth building strategies – and guess what?
Just 90 days after following my systems,
Pat Watson was $20,000 wealthier!
Listen, you've heard all the “get rich now” claims … and you're sick of seeing them! The fact is most of those people who “claim” to know how you can make money – haven't made much money themselves… let alone taught others how to do it!
The difference between “them” and me is that I've proven my strategies time and time again in the national limelight – and my systems truly work… in fact, I've been dubbed “America's #1 Millionaire Maker”.
Right now, America and I need you for my upcoming Nationwide Home Opportunity Tour to share your story of upcoming success and wealth to those who need hope - all across America.
Let me tell you about a few of my "Home Money Challenges"... This is where I put my money where my mouth is:
I was also challenged by the Los Angeles Times:
You might remember when the Los Angeles Times challenged me to buy real estate with Nothing Down. With a reporter by my side, $100 for living expenses, and armed only with my knowledge; I purchased 7 properties worth $772,000, all in 57 hours.
I told the Mayor of St Louis Missouri (the “Show Me” state):
“Send me to any unemployment line.Let me select someone who is broke, out of work, discouraged. Let me teach him in two day’s time the secrets of wealth, and in 90 days he'll be back on his feet, with $5,000 cash in the bank, never to set foot in an employment line again.”
I selected a young couple from the unemployment lines of St. Louis, Missouri. Ninety days later they earned $5,000 using one of my techniques, and....
Within 12 months they had earned over $100K!
My proudest moments are when I coach “starving millionaires” (people who should be millionaires – but aren't) on wealth building strategies – and see them achieve extraordinary results, again and again!
I've done these same challenges in other major cities- Washington, D.C., Miami, Boston, San Diego, and New York - all with similar results!
This brings me to my next challenge in which I took all of the hype out of the high-powered profit potential of the Internet, and decided to make it a reality for my students. I said:
“Sit Me At Any Key Board Of Any Computer In The World With Internet Access, And I Will In 24 Hours, Earn At Least $24,000 CASH!”
I got myself into the “life or death” mindset – and I went to work…
I started my internet challenge at exactly at 12:38 PM in front of live television, I held my breath, and turned my system on and signed on to the internet…
In 6 hours and 11 minutes I had generated $46,684.95
Then I went to sleep... and when I woke up the next morning and checked the computer - (with camera’s rolling):
The total was now $78,827.44
This was exciting because I knew I still had four hours left! That afternoon, 24 hours after the challenge had begun...
The Total Had Grown To…$94,532.44
In A Mere 24 Hours!
Why do I tell you all of this?
Well – it’s certainly not to brag… but it’s to prove that I practice what I teach! And since I'm ready to announce my next challenge, I thought you'd like to hear my success story - and how I can help you regardless of where you are in your financial life.
So here’s my newest challenge:
“Send me a group of people who want to become financially independent. Let me teach them my proven, wealth building strategies. And in 90 days, they will have developed multiple streams of income.Eventually these streams of residual income may give them the freedom to do what ever they want for the rest of their lives.”
That’s my newest challenge – and I want you to be a part of it.
You have everything it takes to break the mold of an average home income earner – but you just need to decide to do it!
Listen, I know the reason you're still reading this letter is because you believe there still is hope – there’s still a chance… a glimmer of hope that you CAN be a millionaire.
It’s hard to leave your comfort zone. But you can do it – and I will help you. But first, let me tell you about a few people who've had the courage to follow their instinct, break out of their comfort zones, and follow my advice:
"Robert, my life was never the same again"…
“Here's the incredible news: Only one year after using your strategies, (coincidentally our twelfth wedding anniversary,) we became millionaires, yes, a million dollars in equity! WOW!”
“Depending on what time frame you measure from, that's either 'incredibly fast' or 'miraculously fast'! Six months from picking up your book, four-plus months from becoming protégés, two months and nine days after quitting my job!”
“That takes my breath away!... This letter stands as testimony to your accomplishments... Robert, Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
-- Karen Nelson Bell, Nevada
"In the last 2 months we have made nearly $250,000 using the Robert Allen internet techniques."
--Olie Vainberg & Andrei Kossyrine, Ontario
“’Just do what you love and the money will follow'… In Fields of Dreams: 'Just build it, and they will come'… Wish me luck the rest of the way. Haven't I told you what the sale price of this building was? It was $57,000! I'm really excited and am on my way finally! Thank you for all your encouragement."
-- Eugene Wei, California
"In my first-ever deal I'm acquiring a $5.7 million 91 unit apartment building for $4.25 million using none of my own money."
--Greg Warr, New York
(Remember: I will always be up front and honest with you. The amount of success you may have will depend upon important key variables... These experiences are not typical. You may not be as successful as these testimonials shown.)
As your mentor, let me tell you about the first secret to building wealth: having “Multiple Streams of Income” flowing into your bank account.
Would it change your life completely – if, per chance, you were to lose your major source of income today… think about that!
What would you do if you lost your sole source of income!? I will teach you how to develop other streams of income, so you can protect yourself from ever having to deal with this imaginary scenario.
Here’s some of what you'll learn:
1. Creative Real Estate Investing: 76% of all millionaires started their fortunes in Real Estate. I've sold more real estate books than any other author of all time.
2. Information marketing: Have you ever had a million-dollar idea, but never acted on it? Learn to sell your ideas for royalties… the hottest millionaire-making trend.
3. Stock Investing: How do the wealthy take advantage of the amateur investors in the stock market? Learn to make consistent money regardless of what the stock market does.
4. Internet Home Base Enterprises: How I made $94,000 live on TV in 24 hours! What did I do that was different?
These are proven income-generating avenues that build wealth.Wealth comes from understanding the power of multiple streams of cash flow... on cruise control!
My Official Invitation to You
Right here – right now… I'm inviting you to experience my “member's only” training in my new “Multiple Streams of Income Downloadable Training Course”. In this brand new digital course, I'll be teaching you all of my proven, successful and profitable wealth secrets.
These strategies and techniques are proven to work for everyday people living at home in the United States, her territories, and Canada. International applicants are not being accepted at this time.
Here is just a sample of what you will learn in my new course about MULTIPLE STREAMS OF "Work From Home" INCOME:
Establishing Your Personal Wealth Building Foundation.
How to earn $100,000 to $250,000 a year for life.
How to retire early.
How to grow your own money tree.
Profiting from 5 massive trends that will create many millionaires in the next century.
Building a Small or NOT so small Fortune on the Internet:
Double your Internet income and work less hours.
Secret strategies for getting people to your website.
The easiest products to sell on the Internet.
How to sell products on the Internet without buying or shipping them.
How the Internet can pay for your retirement.
Developing Multiple Streams of Income:
How to start your very own multi-million dollar business from your kitchen table.
6 powerful businesses you can start for less than a thousand dollars.
Create a money making machine that runs 24 Hours a day, 365 Days a Year without an office or employees.
How to create streams of income that, once established, require little or none of your personal attention.
The seven essential secrets for finding the most powerful home-based business.
Real Estate Strategies That Work.
How to buy a house or condo, sell it for less than you paid and walk away with a cash profit.
How to buy millions of dollars of Real Estate with none of your own money.
How to buy a home paying no interest.
How to live in a million dollar mansion for the price of living in an ordinary house.
Developing Multiple Streams of Income from Home:
How to become a millionaire selling information.
Make a thousand dollars a day selling "How To" information.
How to get total strangers to practically line up and literally beg you to take their money for your information product.
How to make $20 a word every time you sit down to write.
The fastest way to turn an idea into cash.
If you believe you have what it takes to succeed with my guidance, I'm going to do something absolutely "unheard of." (Remember - I've accepted a public challenge, so I'm willing to do practically anything to help you succeed!)
With Your Permission, I'm Going To Send You An Enormous Package Of Training Materials:
Instant Download Home-Study Course:
The Road To Wealth
How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth
In this program I personally outline ALL of my secret money making strategies that my students and I are using to build massive amounts of wealth!
Build Your Real Estate Fortune:
The Robert Allen Money Power System
You get your own copy of this exclusive Real Estate course! Profit from the "perfect" investment. I've made millions doing this - Now you get the secrets of making RISK-FREE offers, finding "cash cows", and how to use "ultimate leverage"... Even includes copies of forms for you to use!
Special Report 1
"7 Strategies for Making a Fortune Online"
How to Get More Visitors to your Site Now
Learn the Secrets to Writing Great Emails
Become an Expert on Giving Your Website Visitors Instant Gratification.
Learn the Secrets of How the BIG WEB SITES Keep People Coming Back.
Special Report 2
"Nothing Down Real Estate Techniques"
50 NOTHING DOWN Techniques
How to Make the Banks Work for YOU
The Fundamentals of Leveraging Capital
How a Partners Money can Make YOU Money
Creative Financing Options that Work
Special Report 3
"Zero to $1,000,000 on $49 a Month"
The 3 Things You Must Do
What the Big Secret Is.
How to Use All of Your Power
The Fundamentals of Finance
Where Do I Get the Money to start
How to Make Your Plan and Then Work It
Special Report 4
"How to Make $24,000 in 24 Hrs. on the Internet from home"
EXACTLY how I made $94,532.44 in 24 hours
How to Develop a Target Audience
How to Find Out what Your Audience Wants to Buy
How to Motivate Your Target Audience to ACT NOW
Getting Started - Your Action Plan
How to Find the Hungriest Fish in the Lake
How to Discover the Kind of Bait Your Fish will Bite On.
This is a strictly limited offer (Remember - I've accepted a public challenge, so I'm willing to do practically anything to help you succeed!)
And if you order by February 6, 2005 , you'll also get another valuable audio series that will teach you how to create real lifelong streams of cash flow:
“Multiple Streams of Income” (a $35 value – yours free if you order before the deadline!)
In this audio I personally outline the secret money making strategies that my students and I are using to build massive amounts of wealth! Others have paid thousands for these strategies – now they're yours for the taking!
Here’s how to get going:
You get everything for a small one-time registration fee of just $3995. Simply click here and you'll be taken to my totally secure “Risk Free Request Form”.
Risk free?... that’s right - my whole proposition is entirely risk free - and you have absolutely nothing to lose. Take a look...
You Get My 365 Day, “Home Success Opportunity” or
I'll Double Your Money-Back Guarantee
Get and download my program. Read it and try it out… put my proven methods to the test. If you aren't thrilled with the results anytime within the next 365 days, you'll get DOUBLE your money back!
Try my simple, easy-wealth formulas and give it your best shot. Just give it a fair effort. And then, if you aren't satisfied with your results – I don't want your money… and I'll immediately give you $7990 (double your money) in exchange for the trust you showed in me.
REMEMBER - I need your success story for my upcoming promotional tour so I've a VERY strong interest in making sure that this program works for you! That’s why you're getting such a powerful guarantee.
All I ask is that you show me you tried my techniques as presented, and I'll give you double your money back. I can't be any fairer than that.
The worst that can happen is you'll come-out $3995 ahead of the game.
This course is your answer to prayer. It gives you more control of personal and financial freedom than ever before.
Consider this: If your life continues in the same direction it is now...
Will you honestly be where you really want to be one year from today?
Will you honestly be any closer to financial freedom?
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If you don't like the answer you get… you must allow me to help you do something to change it.
For you to get different results in your life, you've got to do something different.
Sure, you can go ahead and punch the time clock, or keep putting in those 14-hour days at work. And you can hope and pray that “somehow” you'll get ahead.
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$39.95 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you'd be missing-out on if you choose not to get this course. Looking at it that way…
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Robert G. Allen
P.S. “The Multiple Streams of Income Downloadable Home Study Course” gives you everything you need to create the life you've been putting off. Register right now by clicking here.
P.P.S. Remember, you must order by February 6, 2005 to get in on “The Multiple Streams of Income Audio Series” free bonus (worth $35). I kid you not – the information in this audio alone can turn your entire life around, and bring you all the wealth you could ever need.
Thanks for the info.
Steve @
work ideas
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
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