Commitment Relies Upon More Than Just Fancy Words
Commitment Relies Upon More Than Just Fancy Words
Copyright © 2006 Terry Sparing
Exercise Your Free Will
How often have you asked someone to do something and they agreed, only to leave you fluttering in the wind? I cannot tell you how often I have been left out to dry by my own friends.
In business, it is not nearly as common, but it does still happen.
If you are in the business of sales, it likely happens to you more than it happens to people in everyday living. Your prospective customer says, "Sure, I would be interested." And then, when it comes time to transact the deal, they are unreachable by phone or visit.
People of older generations have a phrase that they use quite often, "A man is only as good as his word." In their lives, words mean things. And the man who cannot keep his word is a worthless man indeed.
Divorce Rates In America Shows The Lip Service Paid To Commitment.
The actual divorce rates in America are part of the legacy of urban legends. A number is dropped into the press and from that day forward, everyone believes the lie to be the truth. Americans have been told since the 1970's, shortly after the introduction of no-fault divorces, that the divorce rate in the United States was 50%.
If I would take a couple of paragraphs to show you the flaws in the statistical analysis, I could show you that the divorce rate in America is closer to 7%, rather than the often-quoted 50%. But, this article is not about divorce, so I will move on. The research on this subject is available on the internet. If you want to know these numbers for yourself, you can take a stroll through the real figures and learn the real truth for yourself.
Roughly 7% of all people who say, "until death do us part... " did not commit themselves to their promise.
The dictionary defines commitment as, "The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons.
"The state of being "bound" or "tied" to following through on a promise that you make... That is commitment. Bailing out prior to the transaction or within five years of the marriage does not bode well for the person who had failed to follow through on their commitment.
Fancy Words Do Not Excuse Bad Behavior
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky." --- Bill Clinton (1998)
Bill Clinton was not the first to try to split hairs with his words. He only has the unique distinction of being the first to do so as famously. Honestly, I did not even need to tell you who said those words... We all already knew.
"That is not what I meant. What I meant to say was... "
How many times have you heard that phrase?
"When I told you that I would be interested in hearing more about the program you are promoting, what I meant to say was that I was interested in telling you whatever it would take to make you go away.
"Now that is honesty. That kind of honesty is rare in America today.
Most people who tell you that they would be interested in hearing about your opportunity would have been more honest to say that they are interested in having more money to spend. But, they are not necessarily interested in learning how they could make their desire a reality.
Getting Past Human Nature
As an individual, it is entirely a matter of your personal integrity. Do not make promises that you do not intend to keep.
As an individual, it is entirely up to you to make that intellectual and emotional commitment to what you want to achieve in this world. Signing up in a network-marketing program will not be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unless you make the personal commitment to yourself to take the opportunity presented to you, and to turn it into financial freedom, then you are simply wasting your own time and the time of those who are present to support your goals.
As a network marketer, it is important for you to realize that not everyone will make the commitment they need to make to their own success. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.
If the people you bring into your business do not make the commitment to themselves, then you should be careful of how much time and energy you commit to their success. You are better to invest your time and energy into people who are willing to make the commitment to themselves for improving their own lot in life.
In Conclusion...
As a network marketer, I understand the importance of having faith in others before they have faith in themselves. I understand the power of influencing others to have the confidence they need to find success in this world.
I have always been willing to help those who help themselves. I can show them the way, and I am willing to help them find their way. Others have mentored me, and I will mentor others in the future. Mentoring is an important facet of network marketing programs. Helping others is part of the business model.
But, for those who fail to bring commitment to the program, they will fail with or without my assistance. Commitment is the key to success in any endeavor in life. So, the two things that I always look for in people, is desire and commitment to a goal.
Terry Sparing - Independent USANA Distributor
"Success Can Be Found in the Company You Keep"
Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.
Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team
Copyright © 2006 Terry Sparing
Exercise Your Free Will
How often have you asked someone to do something and they agreed, only to leave you fluttering in the wind? I cannot tell you how often I have been left out to dry by my own friends.
In business, it is not nearly as common, but it does still happen.
If you are in the business of sales, it likely happens to you more than it happens to people in everyday living. Your prospective customer says, "Sure, I would be interested." And then, when it comes time to transact the deal, they are unreachable by phone or visit.
People of older generations have a phrase that they use quite often, "A man is only as good as his word." In their lives, words mean things. And the man who cannot keep his word is a worthless man indeed.
Divorce Rates In America Shows The Lip Service Paid To Commitment.
The actual divorce rates in America are part of the legacy of urban legends. A number is dropped into the press and from that day forward, everyone believes the lie to be the truth. Americans have been told since the 1970's, shortly after the introduction of no-fault divorces, that the divorce rate in the United States was 50%.
If I would take a couple of paragraphs to show you the flaws in the statistical analysis, I could show you that the divorce rate in America is closer to 7%, rather than the often-quoted 50%. But, this article is not about divorce, so I will move on. The research on this subject is available on the internet. If you want to know these numbers for yourself, you can take a stroll through the real figures and learn the real truth for yourself.
Roughly 7% of all people who say, "until death do us part... " did not commit themselves to their promise.
The dictionary defines commitment as, "The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons.
"The state of being "bound" or "tied" to following through on a promise that you make... That is commitment. Bailing out prior to the transaction or within five years of the marriage does not bode well for the person who had failed to follow through on their commitment.
Fancy Words Do Not Excuse Bad Behavior
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky." --- Bill Clinton (1998)
Bill Clinton was not the first to try to split hairs with his words. He only has the unique distinction of being the first to do so as famously. Honestly, I did not even need to tell you who said those words... We all already knew.
"That is not what I meant. What I meant to say was... "
How many times have you heard that phrase?
"When I told you that I would be interested in hearing more about the program you are promoting, what I meant to say was that I was interested in telling you whatever it would take to make you go away.
"Now that is honesty. That kind of honesty is rare in America today.
Most people who tell you that they would be interested in hearing about your opportunity would have been more honest to say that they are interested in having more money to spend. But, they are not necessarily interested in learning how they could make their desire a reality.
Getting Past Human Nature
As an individual, it is entirely a matter of your personal integrity. Do not make promises that you do not intend to keep.
As an individual, it is entirely up to you to make that intellectual and emotional commitment to what you want to achieve in this world. Signing up in a network-marketing program will not be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unless you make the personal commitment to yourself to take the opportunity presented to you, and to turn it into financial freedom, then you are simply wasting your own time and the time of those who are present to support your goals.
As a network marketer, it is important for you to realize that not everyone will make the commitment they need to make to their own success. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.
If the people you bring into your business do not make the commitment to themselves, then you should be careful of how much time and energy you commit to their success. You are better to invest your time and energy into people who are willing to make the commitment to themselves for improving their own lot in life.
In Conclusion...
As a network marketer, I understand the importance of having faith in others before they have faith in themselves. I understand the power of influencing others to have the confidence they need to find success in this world.
I have always been willing to help those who help themselves. I can show them the way, and I am willing to help them find their way. Others have mentored me, and I will mentor others in the future. Mentoring is an important facet of network marketing programs. Helping others is part of the business model.
But, for those who fail to bring commitment to the program, they will fail with or without my assistance. Commitment is the key to success in any endeavor in life. So, the two things that I always look for in people, is desire and commitment to a goal.
Terry Sparing - Independent USANA Distributor
"Success Can Be Found in the Company You Keep"
Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.
Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team