Team Robert Allen

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Importance of Residual Income

The Importance of Residual Income
Copyright 2005 Romel Wallace

The concept of residual income or passive income is
probably one of the most important concepts you will ever
learn in your lifetime.

I know. This is a pretty big statement.

Well, it's a pretty powerful concept.

Anyone that can master the concept of residual income is on
their way to a pretty comfortable lifestyle. Simply put,
residual income occurs by building a system one time that
can produce a recurring stream of revenue once the system
is set up.

This income arrives on a regular basis. It can occur on a
monthly, weekly, or daily basis. The frequency depends on
the business system itself.

What's so great about this is if you are willing to work
hard and build a residual- based system in the initial
phase, you can reap the benefits from this one-time labor
for years to come. If you look around you, you will see
examples of residual income all over.

For example, when you pay a internet service provider, web
host, telephone bill, or cable TV bill; they are receiving
a regular recurring income for providing their service to
you. The valued members of a website provide the owner
with a regular, recurring monthly income. In return, they
are provided with valuable information.

Residual income is what you want. Unfortunately, there are
many opportunities available that really do an injustice to
this concept.

Seriously speaking. Doesn't it make sense to make a
recurring sale of a product rather than a one time sale?

Of course it does.

Yet so many people just don't get it.

Master the concept of residual income and you'll master
your destiny.

About the Author:

Romel Wallace, Jr. is the founder of - "Make A Change by Associating
with Programs that Really Work". Subscribe to Make A
Change Success Tips (MAC) at to
find out how.
You may freely distribute this article if left intact
including this notice.

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Catering To The Needs Of Baby Boomers

Since the first group of Baby Boomers were born in 1946 they have determined the market needs of American society. Demand for baby foods, diaper services and infant toys dominated the 1940's and early ‘50's. This gave way to television, station wagons and Disneyland. As the Baby Boomers moved on to college they brought with them free love and flower power, but they soon moved into the corporate world and the real estate market boomed.

Now that Baby Boomers are nearing retirement age, what are their needs? As they age Baby Boomers will not be moving out of the marketplace. They will be driving it just as surely as they have been for the last 60 years. What is it the Baby Boomers will be demanding in their early retirement years?

Baby Boomers are very interested in remaining healthy and active during their retirement years. Food supplements, gyms and fitness centers, preventative and alternative health care will play a vital role in this need. To appeal to Baby Boomers these products should be presented with plenty of information and upscale presentation. Curves® is more popular than a neighborhood boxing gym. Supplements tailored to a specific age group or specific needs are more popular than generic supplements.

Baby Boomers also want to look younger. The proliferation of spas around the country attests to this. Massage, skin care, relaxation, all help aging Baby Boomers retain their youthful appearance. A combination of services that might include exercise programs, supplements, relaxation and skin care would be quite popular with Baby Boomers.

Unfortunately many Baby Boomers are not prepared for retirement. Many lost their retirement nest eggs in the dot com bust or closure of retirement funds and are now anxiously trying to rebuild their retirement funds. At-home businesses, self-directed IRAs, and part time employment appeal to this group of Baby Boomers. Anything that builds residual income, such as network marketing or small scale investments will appeal to those who have small retirement incomes that they need to increase. And for those who do have adequate retirement, money management will be very important.

Leisure services, travel and entertainment will also become more important to Baby Boomers if it is a service tailored to them. Fewer want to hitchhike around Europe, but they do want attractive, low cost places to stay near the major attractions of the world. Package deals with other Baby Boomers will become more attractive, despite the individualism of the Baby Boomer generation, as spouses begin to die and infirmities require them to rely more on others. Senior meal sites will take on new personalities as Baby Boomers come seeking companionship.

The need for efficiency will also grow. With incomes fixed and energy levels declining Baby Boomers will want smaller, more efficient living spaces, transportation and even smaller packaging of food items. The generation that made MacDonald’s will again change the way America eats as they seek convenience foods that are more healthful and nutritious but no less convenient. Keeping your eyes open in all of these areas will help you determine ways to serve the Baby Boom generation and be part of the ongoing prosperity they have provided throughout their lives.

Lynn Doxon is a Baby Boomer herself and is almost, but not quite, prepared for retirement. You can contact her at or visit her website or

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Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

What Alibi Are You Using To Not Be A Success?

NY times best selling Author Robert G Allen’s has helped thousands earn residual income with USANA.

So many people are out there searching for a system to show them how to make their life goals happen. However there is one word that often stands in their way. IF, the most common alibi people use not to achieve their success.

If only I had more time
If only I had an understanding family
If only I had the money
If only I had the talent
If only I had started sooner
If only I didn't have to take care of the house & the children
If only............ you fill in the blank

Take hold of yourself & stop using alibi's. IF you want it make it happen!

Robert Allen's Team has put together a proven system to show you how to do it. You have to apply the "you" ingredient & take the steps to action.

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Robert Allen's Team Asks "What Are Your Goals In Life?"

Robert G. Allen's Internet Marketing Team Asks The Question: "What are your goals in life?"

  • More Time With Family
  • More Money So You Can DO Fun Things With Your Family
  • No More Boss Telling You When To Breath & How Much Air You Can Consume
  • Take A Month Off And Do Anything Or Do Nothing
  • Do _______________

Well now Robert Allen's Team wants to know what is your plan to get there?

Goals without a plan are merely a wish, so think about it. What do you want & how are you going to achieve it?

Do you need a road map? Most of us do. Why spend your first 40 years trying to figure it out on your own? Robert G. Allen's Internet Marketing Team has a road map, will help you get to your destination & enjoy it!

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team