Team Robert Allen

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Commitment Relies Upon More Than Just Fancy Words

Commitment Relies Upon More Than Just Fancy Words
Copyright © 2006 Terry Sparing
Exercise Your Free Will

How often have you asked someone to do something and they agreed, only to leave you fluttering in the wind? I cannot tell you how often I have been left out to dry by my own friends.

In business, it is not nearly as common, but it does still happen.

If you are in the business of sales, it likely happens to you more than it happens to people in everyday living. Your prospective customer says, "Sure, I would be interested." And then, when it comes time to transact the deal, they are unreachable by phone or visit.

People of older generations have a phrase that they use quite often, "A man is only as good as his word." In their lives, words mean things. And the man who cannot keep his word is a worthless man indeed.

Divorce Rates In America Shows The Lip Service Paid To Commitment.

The actual divorce rates in America are part of the legacy of urban legends. A number is dropped into the press and from that day forward, everyone believes the lie to be the truth. Americans have been told since the 1970's, shortly after the introduction of no-fault divorces, that the divorce rate in the United States was 50%.

If I would take a couple of paragraphs to show you the flaws in the statistical analysis, I could show you that the divorce rate in America is closer to 7%, rather than the often-quoted 50%. But, this article is not about divorce, so I will move on. The research on this subject is available on the internet. If you want to know these numbers for yourself, you can take a stroll through the real figures and learn the real truth for yourself.

Roughly 7% of all people who say, "until death do us part... " did not commit themselves to their promise.

The dictionary defines commitment as, "The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons.

"The state of being "bound" or "tied" to following through on a promise that you make... That is commitment. Bailing out prior to the transaction or within five years of the marriage does not bode well for the person who had failed to follow through on their commitment.

Fancy Words Do Not Excuse Bad Behavior

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky." --- Bill Clinton (1998)

Bill Clinton was not the first to try to split hairs with his words. He only has the unique distinction of being the first to do so as famously. Honestly, I did not even need to tell you who said those words... We all already knew.

"That is not what I meant. What I meant to say was... "

How many times have you heard that phrase?

"When I told you that I would be interested in hearing more about the program you are promoting, what I meant to say was that I was interested in telling you whatever it would take to make you go away.

"Now that is honesty. That kind of honesty is rare in America today.

Most people who tell you that they would be interested in hearing about your opportunity would have been more honest to say that they are interested in having more money to spend. But, they are not necessarily interested in learning how they could make their desire a reality.

Getting Past Human Nature

As an individual, it is entirely a matter of your personal integrity. Do not make promises that you do not intend to keep.

As an individual, it is entirely up to you to make that intellectual and emotional commitment to what you want to achieve in this world. Signing up in a network-marketing program will not be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unless you make the personal commitment to yourself to take the opportunity presented to you, and to turn it into financial freedom, then you are simply wasting your own time and the time of those who are present to support your goals.

As a network marketer, it is important for you to realize that not everyone will make the commitment they need to make to their own success. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

If the people you bring into your business do not make the commitment to themselves, then you should be careful of how much time and energy you commit to their success. You are better to invest your time and energy into people who are willing to make the commitment to themselves for improving their own lot in life.

In Conclusion...

As a network marketer, I understand the importance of having faith in others before they have faith in themselves. I understand the power of influencing others to have the confidence they need to find success in this world.

I have always been willing to help those who help themselves. I can show them the way, and I am willing to help them find their way. Others have mentored me, and I will mentor others in the future. Mentoring is an important facet of network marketing programs. Helping others is part of the business model.

But, for those who fail to bring commitment to the program, they will fail with or without my assistance. Commitment is the key to success in any endeavor in life. So, the two things that I always look for in people, is desire and commitment to a goal.

Terry Sparing - Independent USANA Distributor
"Success Can Be Found in the Company You Keep"

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Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

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Sunday, February 26, 2006



About a year ago, my father introduced me to the concept of harnessing the power of the internet to earn residual income. I became fascinated by the idea of creating residual income; achieving financial freedom and success beyond my wildest dreams. Residual income is the best kind of income to have since you donìt have to work for it, instead it grows through the possession of certain assets which appreciate through time like real state, stocks, and mutual funds. After reading countless of books I was sold on the idea of network marketing which allows the average person to start their own business with minimal risk and capital investment to build this residual income.

A network marketing company markets their products through independent sales associates who in turn recruits other associates to build a team where the associates earn a commission on the sales volume of his entire team. Therefore with this kind of business structure, the earning potential grows exponentially as more people join the team. Most people develop their network marketing business from their own home in their part time, therefore it is not necessary to quit their jobs which makes it ideal for stay-at-home moms who are looking to create an extra stream of income without neglecting their families.

In addition to all this, when you combine the power of the internet and the ingenious compensation plan of many network marketing business, the average person can achieve staggering levels of financial success. Old fashion network marketing systems involve the associate going to their friends and family in order to build their business by selling products or recruiting prospects. In order to make money with this old fashioned network marketing system, a lot of resources are spent in presentation and advertising. However when someone uses the power of the internet to build their network marketing system, it is not necessary to bother friends or family anymore because the associate can generate leads or sell their products by advertising for free online. There are hundreds of ways to advertise by using the internet, as a result you are never limited to the amount of leads that you can generate and the income you can achieve.

Another great benefit of owning your own business as opposed to being an employee is the taxation benefits, which alone make network marketing worth checking out. When you have your own business you can deduct endless amounts of expenses like a portion of your mortgage, car, computer, and so forth. It is not even necessary to make money from your business to take advantage of these taxes benefits, all you have to do is to prove that you have worked on developing your business.

If you decide that you want to be a part of network marketing, there are certain guidelines you should follow to ensure that you choose a successful company that is right for you. Here are some steps to follow.

1) THE PRODUCT. Make sure that the product offered is of high demand and quality, and is something that people will most likely consume over and over again.

2) THE COMPANY. Beware of companies that are just starting out. I suggest you choose a company that has been around for at least 5 years and which has proven itself by growing in the past few years. Longevity is the key. It would also be good to find publicly traded companies because their financial statements are available online like, or

3) REPUTATION. Check the company with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints against the company or fraudulent business activities..

4) COMPENSATION PLAN. How often do you get paid? What is the commission you will receive? Do you have to meet certain quotas to receive commission and how much is it? Make sure the compensation plan is fair to you.

5) TRAINING. In network marketing, the people on your team will most likely help one another to succeed, therefore make sure that you belong to a successful team and that there are regular training sessions scheduled and that your sponsors are easily available for questions and support.

Once you have made the decision to start up in network marketing system, make a commitment to spend between 10 to 15 hours a week to start this business. Many people have been able to match or surplus their salaries by network marketing, however this requires motivation and commitment, but the rewards can be staggering levels of financial success and freedom

About The Author: Alejandra Rodriguez is an associate of Usana
Health sciences, a successful network marketing which markets
their products through the internet. To find out how thousands
Of people are creating financial freedom all acrossthe globe and how to get in on the action check out:

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Monday, February 20, 2006


Three US Speedskaters earn medals at Torino Games

As the official nutritional supplement supplier to the U.S. Speedskating team, USANA Health Sciences would like to congratulate Shani Davis for his gold medal achievement, Joey Cheek for his silver medal achievment, and Apolo Anton Ohno for his bronze medal achievment at the Torino Games.
Shani and Joey won the gold and silver medal respectively in the men’s 1,000 meter long track competition, while Apolo won the bronze medal in the men’s 1,000 meter short track competition. Great job Shani, Joey, and Apolo!

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Raising Your Children, While Raising Your Income

Raising Your Children, While Raising Your Income
Copyright 2005 Brenda Lilly

If you’re like me, you left Corporate America, traded in your suits for tennis shoes and are staying home to be with your children. Maybe you’re just thinking about it at this point. You knew this was not an easy decision. It meant cutting your income in half, at least. However, when faced with the choice of working 40+ hours away from your children, you just could not envision that future.

You may have just planned to get by on one income until the children are all in school. Perhaps, you even thought about picking up some part time evening work.

You’ll be happy to know there’s a much better alternative to all of the above. Network Marketing. Yes, you heard me correctly. Why go back to earning an hourly wage at all? You can run your own business, manage your hours and set your own income. You’ve managed other employees, departments, offices, etc. in Corporate America, you certainly have what it takes to manage yourself.

Find a great business opportunity and outstanding team and follow their lead. The tricky part comes from the same blessing – you are doing this from home. Here are some tips I’ve learned.
Get your spouse on board. It would really be ideal if they joined you in the business. If that is not the case, at least have them on your side and create a work schedule. Trust me, they miss the other 50% of what used to be your income too.

Stick to the schedule. Yes, this is a flexible business and that is one of the biggest benefits. However, you have to treat it like the business it is. How many times would you have allowed someone in your organization not to show up for work in a month?

Create a workspace. Ideally it would be great to have a separate room for your office. Face it though, when you have four children, rooms are at a premium. Options: Unused formal living room, (how many dinner parties are you throwing these days with the little ones running around?) Basement, it may be cold or not that aesthetically pleasing but, if it’s like ours, your kids probably don’t want to go down there either. Just don’t make it your bedroom. When your business takes off, and it will, you don’t want to try to fall asleep starring at work you "could be doing".

Set specific Mommy/Daddy playtime with the children during the day. This is over and above taking care of them. That way, when you "moonlight" your business into daytime hours your children know they’ve had or will have quality time with you that day.

Check into Mommy/Daddy helpers. These are neighborhood children, usually at least 10 years of age, who can come over after school a couple days a week to entertain your children while you work on your business. Your children should see this as a great treat of fun if you have the right helper.

Always have fun. It’s a serious business, however it doesn’t mean you have to stress about it. You’re in control.

Brenda Lilly is a mother of four children who chose to stay home after having her twins. Her previous experience entails Sales Manager, General Manager, and Account Executive in the Personnel and Telecommunications industries. Current experience, Entrepreneur in Network Marketing. You may contact her at or visit her websites at and

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

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Have You Seen The Latest & Greatest On The Internet?

You have to see this! The Latest "Buzz" on the Internet

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Instant Personal Development

Training: "Instant Personal Development!"

Many of you understand the importance of daily personal development. Many of your associates may NOT and it's our job to help them transform. I say TRANSFORM because we all know the POWER of personal development and what it can do for your organizations. Like my good friend Doug Firebaugh always says...."Work on YOU more than your business!"So here is a GREAT article to have on file, save as an email, print and share or use in trainings. These TRAITS are some of the most important to MASTER and IMPREGNATE in our minds.

"Greatness is not where we stand,but in what direction we are headed. We must sail in the wind sometimes, but sail we must- don't drift or lie anchor. In the end, ATTITUDE was the little thing that made THE difference."

The soul is dyed the color of it's thoughts. Think only on those things in line with your principles. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose and what you think is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny.

The sea is dangerous and it's storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore...unlike the mediocre, intrepid spirits seek victory over those things that seem is with an iron will that they embark on the most daring of all meet the shadowy future w/o fear and conquer the unknown.

Some people dream of success while others wake up and go after it...working hard for it. Everyday is a new day, you can do what you want or you can do what you need from it. When the next comes, yesterday will begone sure you have left behind something good, something that you were determined to do.

True leaders are not those who strive to be first but those who are first to strive and who give their all for the success of the team. True leaders see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action. The strength of the leaders commitment will unleash the power of the team.

What we can easily see is the only a small percentage of what is possible. Imagination is having VISION.

Vision is the gift to see what others only dream. Create your vision and than begin living it.

Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

We cannot change yesterday. We can only make most of each look with hope for tommorow. Don't live your life looking thought the rear view mirror. You are more capable than you will ever know.

~TEAM Attitude~
(Together Everyone Achieves More)Trust is the emotional glue that holds everyone times of trial, it transforms a group of committed individuals committed to...EACH OTHER.Work together for a common vision. Teamwork is the FUEL that allows common people to achieve uncommon results. THESE are a few of the most powerful traits that everyone should strive to posses. I'm sure you can think of many more BUT focus on these ten and allow DAILY reading of these traits to EMPOWER you for the rest of the year.

HERE is a CHALLENGE for YOU! Read these traits AGAIN and identify your thoughts on how you have worked your business. Have you applied these? Than, CHALLENGE yourself to WORK on these traits for at least 30 days. On day will see and feel a difference.

Mike Lemire

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Saturday, February 11, 2006

MLM Insider Announces - USANA #1
Dear Subscribers, I am pleased to announce the following are the results of the Distributor Choice Awards for Best Companies and Generic Trainers in Network Marketing for 2005(in order of finish)
#1 -USANA Health Sciences
#2 - ACN American Communications Network
#3 - Isagenix
#4 - Herbalife
#5 - Market America
#6 - Xango
#7 - Southern Living
#8 - Oxyfresh
#9 - 4Life
#10 - Tahitian Noni
#1 - Michael Oliver
#2 - Randy Gage
#3 - Dani Johnson
#4 - Dennis Waitley
#5 - Jim Rohn
#6 - Tim Sales
#7 - Robert Allen
#8 - Tom Schreiter
#9 - Hilton Johnson
#10 - Jeffrey Combs

Following are the results of Editor's Selections of Best Companies in Network Marketing for 2005 (in alphabetical order as they are all equal as it concerns this list)
American Longevity
Life PlusMannatech
Tahitian Noni
USANA Health Sciences

Perhaps one of the best marketing tools you can own will be the soon to be released (February 9th) Best Companies in Network Marketing Ebook and CD. In the 12 year history of the Best Companies List an estimated 25 million copies have been circulated and countless numbers of prospects have made their choice of MLM Company with the help of the Best Companies List.

There is no doubt the MLM Insider Online is considered by many industry experts to be one of the most respected websites on the business of MLM on the entire internet. So, if your company was fortunate enough to be on either of these Best Companies Lists it would be an absolute given you should have either the Best Companies in Network Marketing eBook or CD.

Over 100 Pages of valued information including:
The results of the voting for the Best Companies in Network Marketing for 2005.

This will be a great prospecting and recruitment tool for the thousands of distributors involved with the top 10 companies voted for. Each of the top10 winning companies will have a whole page dedicated to them in the e-Book. The results of the voting for the Best Generic Trainers in Network Marketing for 2005. A full Page will be dedicated to each of the Top Ten Trainers selected.

The Editor of the MLM Insider's selections of the Top 10 companies in Network Marketing. Over 200 companies were considered for this esteemed list. The selections were based on careful and objective examination of the Companies: management; products; distributor support; compensation plan and longevity. This list will be an invaluable tool for those seeking a great opportunity to get involved with. Each of the 10 companies selected will have one to two pages of important and detailed information about the company. Articles on important subjects of real value to network marketers How to Conduct a Proper Due-Diligence on a Network Marketing Opportunity Results of the Survey's for Male and Female Distributors in Network Marketing

To order please go here: Only recently, the MLM Insider website has been totally redesigned, our traffic numbers are growing daily and we are on our way to be the number one trafficked website on Network Marketing Information and Education. Another marketing opportunity you might want to consider is to become an Independent Distributor Contact for your Network Marketing Company. There no doubt will be a rush to secure these listings so act quickly. Please go to the directory and see if a listing for your region is available

In conclusion The MLM Insider Online is proud to be a part of Network Marketing and in service of the millions of distributors.SincerelyCorey AugensteinEditor-in-Chief

P.S. Please spread the Word

Spread the word The MLM Insider Online website is considered by industry experts to be the definitive source of information and education on network marketing. Well we aren't resting on our laurels. Instead we have just rededicated ourselves to having a website that is unmatched in serving the network marketing business and its distributors and prospects We have an incredible resource section that has listing on just about anything having to do with network marketing. We have a MLM Company Directory that has information on many of the more viable companies found in network marketing. And there is much much more. See for yourself.

Just see the things we have done for you:
1. You can search our Directory of MLM Companies using many search parameters including: Alphabetically, Over 20 Different Product Categories, Compensation Plan Type and Years in Business.
2. You can become an Independent Distributor Contact for your Opportunity/Company in 5 different regions of the world
3. You can submit and read generic articles on many topics of interest including: Personal Growth, Motivational, Prospecting, Sponsoring, Direct Mail, Person-to-Person, and too many others to list.
4. You can submit listings to our Resources Sections. Categories include: Trainers, Training Tools, Attorneys, Lead Providers, Consultants, Software Providers and many other categories. And of course you can search for just about anything you can imagine that supports this great business of network marketing.
5. You can place online and in the newsletter, highly effective classified ads, press releases and banner ads.
6. Watch videos and/or hear audios with samples of actual trainer?s information.
7. Have your very own templated web site (March 2006)
8. Participate in our new designed voting and surveys for the following: (Feb 2006)
a. Best Companies in MLM
b. Best Compensation Plan in MLM
c. Best Nutritional Company in MLM
d. Best Personal Care Company in MLM
e. Best Telecom and Technology Company in MLM
f. Best Generic Trainer in MLM
g. Demographic Survey on Male Distributors
h. Demographic Survey on Female Distributors

9. Our Signature Annual Best Companies in Network Marketing E-Book coming February 2006 with results for 2005. (Feb 9, 2006)

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Saturday, February 04, 2006

One Size Does Not Fit All

One Size Does Not Fit All
Copyright © 2006 Terry Sparing
Exercise Your Free Will

"You are unique, just like everybody else!" --- Margaret Mead (1901-1978) ===========================================

While hordes of people have come online to play and to shop, we have come online seeking our financial freedom.

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, confidences and fears. It is not important for us to be carbon-copied images of one another in order for us to be successful. What is important is that we are willing to build on our positive traits, and we are willing to work to overcome our negative traits.

You might be a natural born salesperson, and then again, you might fear sales. You might be a writer, but not a copywriter, or the writing process might intimidate you. You might be great at interpersonal relationships, but afraid to cross the bridge into becoming a salesperson.

Whatever the case, it does not matter. What does matter is that you are willing to go out on a limb to try new things and to learn from others. What does matter is that if you have certain strengths that others may not have, that you would be willing to share your own knowledge to help others to grow.This is the nature of network marketing --- "people helping people to reach a common goal." One Person Against the World Is a Tough RoadAs an individual stepping into the global marketplace, it is a tough road to plow. There is literally millions of people online competing for the same dollars you are competing to receive. As an individual, it is difficult to see the right things to do and how to do them. Don't fear what may seem like overwhelming odds for success. People, who succeed online, do so because they are not afraid to work with other people. The beauty of network marketing is that it is designed and structured to help people come together to strive for a common goal. As an individual turning on your computer for your very first time, you can relax knowing that there are people out there willing to help you go where you want to go. You are not alone. There are people out there willing to help you learn how to market your business. They are willing to help you learn where and how to advertise your business. They are willing to help you learn how to find other people who share similar goals. The best part of the story is that there are people who are willing to coach and mentor your own success. Everyone Was New At One TimeWhen I came to the Internet for the first time, I knew that I wanted to pursue my own goals for financial freedom. But honestly, I did not know where or how to begin. I read everything I could put my hands on that might give me an idea of how to get started and how to succeed. The best thing that ever happened to me was that I met people who taught me how to get started, and how to move forward. They offer me personal one-on-one support when I need it. They have taught me how to work with others to help them develop a business in the same way that I am doing. Now I work with others, helping them to do as I have done. This Is the Secret To Success OnlineTo be successful, you need to seek out and find people who are willing to help you to succeed. You need to build relationships with those who are already successful, so that you can learn how to be successful yourself. We believe in developing multiple streams of income --- different sources of revenue, if you will. Let's face it. Most products and services are cyclical and seasonal in nature. If we put all of our eggs into one revenue stream, we might find ourselves hurting for money during the off-season. By building our foundations for success on several products and services, we can find a baseline that will help us to sustain a living wage year around.
My name is Terry Sparing. I work with a team of people who believe in helping others to develop their own successful online businesses. If you would like a coach and a mentor to help you to realize your own financial dreams, then please visit my website for more information."Success Can Be Found In The Company You Keep."

Get your free reports and contact me here:
Robert G Allen Income from home opportunity.

Click Here To Be Personally Mentored By The Robert Allen USANA Team

Fish Oil Lowers Heart Rate

Fish oil lowers heart rate

There is significant evidence that omega-3 fatty acids have anti-arrhythmic effects, which is associated with decreased death from various cardiovascular diseases. A recent meta-analysis published in the Journal Circulation, further confirms this association. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health combined statistical analysis of thirty studies published from 1996 to 2005. These studies involved nearly 1,700 individuals treated with fish oil or placebo for up to one year. The median combined dose of EPA and DHA was 3.5 grams/day for an average of 8 weeks. The overall estimated change in heart rate of those treated with fish oil was 1.6 beats per minute. The reduction in heart rate was even greater among trials whose participants had higher baseline heart rates.

In those studies, treatment with fish oil resulted in a decreased heart rate of 2.5 beats per min. There was no evidence of a dose-response effect, and heart rate was not significantly different between higher and lower doses compared with placebo. Although the overall effect of fish oil on heart rate appears small, researchers estimate that on a population basis this could correspond to as much as a 5% reduction in sudden death.

Mozaffarian D, Geelen A, Brouwer IA, Geleijnse JM, Zock PL, Katan MB. Effect of fish oil on heart rate in humans. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Circulation 2005;112:1945-1952.